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Some Promotional Techniques Are Able To Increase The Popularity Of Your Toy Store (Part 2)

Note: Tulisan ini adalah terjemahan Basa Enggres bebas dari artikel ini

This article is a continuation of previous reports that discuss the right methods and strategies in the toy business. That article is entitled: SOME THE RIGHT PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY AND POWERFUL FOR TOY BUSINESS (Part #1)

In the article above, the material (about the methods and techniques of promotion) only discussed in outline only (not specific).

Well in this article I will write more specific about promotional techniques. Some of these promotional techniques can increase the popularity of your toy store.

In my opinion, in doing the right promotional trick, requires a side of art and creativity from within us. You should be able to design a trick (method) is appropriate. So, after you apply all the techniques of promotion, eventually your toy store can obtain optimal sales results.

I myself (the author) have managed to create some tricks and promotion methods. And all those tricks, I trials to my toy store. How about the result? Very satisfactory!

Perhaps you will ask: "What kind and how is your method explanation, brother Izal?"

Well, let's just we discussed some of the tricks.

When you will start to do promotion; then there are some things you have to think about. Among them is:

1. Which categories and types of toys are most appropriate for you to make as a promotional tool?

2. In which area is the most appropriate for a place the promotional banner/board?

3. Like what kind of promotional styles will make buyers feel curious?

Now I will describe all the questions above one by one.
Other exciting readings: THE REAL STORY ABOUT TOY BUSINESS (A Wrong Marketing Strategy Can Be Fatal To Your Business)
Starting from:

#1. What categories and types of toys are most appropriate for you to use as promotional tools?

If you are doing a promotion, then try to think like this: "What kind of product is the most appropriate and faster lure buyers to come shopping?"

The answer: a product that is already popular!

Maybe you will ask again: "Why must a toy that is popular?"

Here's the explanation:

At toys are popular, the market price (standard price / average price) has been widely known by the public.

Example: Hot Wheels toys.

In Indonesia, these toys are generally sold for 25,000-30,000 rupiah per pieces. Well, if I sell that product at a much lower price (example: 19.000 per pieces), then what would the buyer think in My toy store?

Surely they will say: "Wow! Very cheap !!"

Well, what are the factors that cause the buyers can to know the price of Hot Wheels that I sell is very cheap? The answer is because buyers already know the general market price (average) Hot Wheels toys that.

Therefore, it is not surprising if Hot Wheels products are the most widely used by hypermarts and supermarkets as a means of promotion to lure the are buyers!

If any of you travel (as tourists) to Indonesia, then try to visit hypermart and supermarket like Giant, Lotte Mart or Carrefour.

Take a look, what toy product do they use most as a promotional tool?

What products do they provide the most significant discounts?

The answer: Hot wheels!

Hot Wheels is widely known for being one of the most popular hobby toys for kids to adults. That's what makes this type of toy so popular!

Because it is so popular, so it is very logical if everyone has known the average price of that toy. (Again I say), it is not surprising if these toys are often used as buyers 'catcher tools' by supermarkets and hypermarts.

Often supermarkets and hypermarts put up promotional banners with very striking writing styles at the entrance or other strategic sections.

Examples of promotional as below:

"SALE! Hot wheels All items Rp 18,900 / pcs".

Just info, basic capital 1 Hot Wheels currently (in Indonesia) about 16,500 rupiahs. So they only take a margin of about 2,000 rupiahs only. Only about 10 percent!

Try you imagine! The tiny margin is not it? But no problem! Because they are not looking for profit in the form of material (cash). But they are looking for gains in another way, which is to capture customers!

Yes! The main purpose is for consumers to be hooked to come shopping to the hypermart and the supermarket that!
Other exciting readings: A 'PRICE WAR' STRATEGY IS THE LEAST CREATIVE STRATEGY, (What is the cause?)
Well, that kind of promotion technique I 'adopted', and try to apply it in my shop!

Try to see the photo below.


Visible in that promotion board, I promoted 2 of the most popular toy product (in Indonesia).

Yes! Hot Wheels products and learning aids for children (Muslim iPad) are two of the most popular and sought-after products for parents and children.

On that promotion board, I set the promotional price for Hot Wheels toys worth 19.000 rupiahs and learning tool (Muslim Ipad) worth 75.000 rupiahs.

Well, what is the average market price (standard price /reasonable price) on both toy products above?

Here's the price list.

- Hot Wheel product.

29.900 rupiahs (this is the standard price in the supermarket).

25.000 rupiahs (this is the standard price in minimarket).

23.000 rupiahs (this is the standard price in the toy store).

- learning aids (Muslim iPad).

125.000 rupiahs (this is the standard price in the supermarket).

90.000 rupiahs (this is the standard price in the toy store).

Try to observe all the above price list; very it is clear that the price tag that I set on both that toys are much cheaper is not it?

Well, because the price I display on the discount board in front of my shop is much lower (Hot Wheels Rp19.000 and Muslim iPad Rp75.000), then, of course, will attract the attention of prospective buyers and the street users (who pass my store). Many of them are interested and immediately stop by my toy store and finally buy both products.
Other exciting readings: MY COMPETITORS IS MY INSPIRATION!
This kind of promotion is actually like a kind of 'fishing rod' to get a bigger 'fish'.

What does it mean?

Here's the explanation,,,,

Based on my toys shop experience, it often happens like this:

After the road users or prospective buyers see the promotion boards are posted in front of my toy store, finally made them feel moved to see (Hot Wheels products that). After about 15 minutes later it turns out among Hot wheels products that, there are several types that he likes. Finally, he bought that product as much as 2-3 pieces.

And,,,, usually the buyer not leave immediately, but seeing first all my toy store products.

Usually (which often happens) eventually that buyer also bought another type of toy (not a product category promoted/reasonable price).

So the target and the primary purpose of promotional techniques as above (actually) is: so that road users and everyone around the area feel interested to see and buy, (at least come to look around).

How? A smart promotional technique is not it?

It is true; it could be some of the visitors who come is just a look around (not buy). But actually when they're beginning to your shop (though have not purchased), then you have got a score of half a point.

What is the cause?

Because when a potential buyer has come into your store, that's when the existence of your toy store has been recorded in their brain memory. And the more important point is: it has been embedded in their minds that your price product is cheap. So when one day the prospective buyer intends to buy a toy, then definitely your toy store that will be the first time he remembers.

GOAL! Finally, the score of 1-0 for your toy store! ☺☺☺

#2. In which area is the most appropriate for a place the promotional banner/board?

As I explained in detail in the first section above that hypermart and supermarket deliberately put promotional banners/boards in the most strategic areas. The goal is for everyone to see it quickly and clearly!

Well, the technique of mounting a promotional board like that which I also imitate, and I apply to my toy store.

Take a look at the photo below.


Well, you try to note the photo above.

The discount board was deliberately placed at the most strategic part, i.e., in front of the store/entrance so that it can be seen by road users and everyone around my toy store.

And the result?

Truly extraordinary! ☺☺☺

#3. What kind of promotional styles will make buyers feel curious?

Perhaps the promotion technique in this third part is not the same in all countries. But this kind of promotion technique is conventional and widely used in my country (Indonesia).

What kind of promotion technique is it?

Try to read for a moment some of the order of sentence below:




Or another sentence:


Well, what do you think after reading all the above sentences?

A strange promotional phrase is not it?

That's right! All of the above sentences are very strange!

But it is precisely that sentence that is deliberately used by business actors in Indonesia.

What is the purpose?

Namely to provoke the prospective buyer's curiosity. For example like a sentence: "Restaurant is not good". Is this a bad promotional technique? Oh certainly not,,,, precisely with the stated "bad" like that, is actually will provoke everyone to taste the taste of cuisine in that restaurant. GOAAAL! Again one more score for you! :)

Well, what about the phrase "Do not look to the left"? What does that mean?

Techniques like this are usually done by a shop on the side of the road whose position is slightly indented. So with a large banner board on the side of the road with the sentence as above, it makes all the road users looking to the left, so the store it becomes visible to them.

So now what do you think? A very intelligent 'on psychological play' promotion technique is not it? hehe :)

Interesting? Do you want to try it? :)
Note: All of the above techniques are indeed in context the size of currency values, methods and tricks promotional commonly applied in Indonesia. Maybe in your country have different procedures. But in my opinion, all the above promotional techniques are universal, meaning it can be used anywhere. What is needed is: maybe some adjustments only.

Good luck always for you all.

If you feel this article is useful, then share it. Hopefully, it can be helpful for your other colleagues.

Best regards.
Bang izal
Bang izal Saya Seorang Praktisi Bisnis Mainan. Sangat hobi menulis dan suka berdiskusi. Saya ingin sekali saling berbagi ilmu, dan pengalaman, dengan teman-teman semua melalui blog ini.

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