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Causes, Characteristics, And How To Resolve Google Sandbox


Note: Tulisan ini adalah terjemahan Basa Enggres bebas dari artikel ini

Hello friend.

I want to share a story.

About a month ago, one of my newest Indonesian-language blogs got 'strikes' from Google.

I.e., Google Sandbox sanctions.

However, thank God I am quite grateful. After I did the re-checking to that blog three days ago, it turns out Google has revoked its sanction. Maybe because my mistake is not too massive, so it is not subject to penalties for months by Google.

Because this incident was the first time I experience, so, I took the initiative to share this experience with you all. That's the reason I think of an idea to write this article, which I then give the title: Cause, Characteristics, and How to Resolve Google Sandbox.

There may be among the curious readers, and asks: "What mistake did you make brother Izal?"

Patience,,, I will explain later in more detail (below).

Now I will start this discussion, which is about the Google Sandbox.

Perhaps many of you (novice bloggers like me) often wonder about the following:

- What is the Google Sandbox?

- What causes a blog to get sanctioned Google Sandbox?

- What are the characteristic features of Google Sandbox sanctions?

- How can blogs get regardless of the sanctions of Google Sandbox?

Well, I will start this discussion in detail one by one. Starting from:

#1. What is Google Sandbox?

The sandbox comes from an English vocabulary while Google is one of the big search engines in the world.

In a word, this Google Sandbox word connotes/illustrates the article of a blog stuck in Google's 'quicksand.' This Google Sandbox resulted in that article 'disappearing and hard to find in a search engine of Google.

Yes! The article is like 'disappeared!'

Although you try to find that article by writing the full title, still the article cannot be found and hidden somewhere! And you do not know where it is!

How long is this sanctioned?

According to info from some of my colleagues who have been long engaged in the field of blogging, the length of time Google Sandbox sanctions is varied.

There is a very short sanction, which is only for a week. Then, there is in a month time sanction (as experienced by my blog). And there are also blogs affected by more severe penalties, so that article/blog disappeared from Google search for months. If the blog is exposed to punishment (deindex) for months is usually more identical to the term presented 'Google Penalty.'

But in general, Google Sandbox sanctions run for six months. After passing this period, usually, the penalty will be stopped by itself (provided that the blog does not repeat the same mistake).
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#2. What causes a blog exposed to Google Sandbox?

There are several factors suspected as the cause of a blog may be subject to punishment Google Sandbox.


- SEO optimization is too much.

Google is don't like if being 'forced' to raise the rank of your blog or article (in the way of SEO optimization that violates Google's guidelines). I think you know that Google likes natural optimation. An example is like a blog that prioritizes the user experience (by writing quality articles). Blogs that are naturally optimized like this will remain safe from Google's penalty and update algorithm.

Usually, the most frequently exposed to Google Sandbox sanctions are (generally) new blogs.

Quite reasonable if the new blog is more often exposed to these sanctions.

What is the cause?

Because the new blog is usually a lot of optimization with the aim to quickly indexed, and so that the article can appear on the first page of Google. But unfortunately the optimization is done too much, so it tends to violate Google's rules.

It can be understood (humane) if someone tried to optimize the SEO on his blog because everyone wants his blog can be the top in Google search (including me hehe).

But, the problem is: Google also has 'own business'.

What does it mean?

Here's the explanation,,, usually blogs that are too optimized instantly, tend to ignore the factors quality content. And this is not good in Google's view.

What is the cause?

Because if a lot of low-quality articles that appear on the main page of Google search (because using blackhat techniques), of course, this will worsen the image of that search engine. 

Do not forget, Google has a serious rival, namely Bing and Yandex. If Google is not strictly in selecting and presenting the best information to its users, then, it could be the users switch to that Google rivals.

Google, Bing and Yandex, they are a business, and they are strictly competing to be the best.

Therefore, we can understand if an admin is trying to do various ways for the articles/blogs can be optimized quickly. But they must also recognize that Google also has own business interests.

Therefore, if you want to optimize your blog and articles, then try to do as natural as possible, so safe from Google sanctions. Among the most powerful ways to improve your blog and article ranking is by optimizing the user-side experience and human interest.

How does it work?

Thank goodness I have written a complete article about it. Here's the article: OPTIMIZATION OF THE USER EXPERIENCE A BLOG, FROM THE TECHNICAL SIDE AND HUMAN INTEREST

- Too many low-quality backlinks.

Usually, these low quality backlinks obtained from the purchase of backlink.

Backlinks like this sometimes are not from an apparent source, and usually obtained by spam way. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid how to get backlinks like this, because it is at risk sanctioned Google Sandbox.

- Lots of plagiarism on other people's articles (copy paste).

You certainly know that Google hates all kinds of plagiarism.

If the article on your blog detected from plagiarism results of someone else's material, then Google Sandbox sanction will come soon awaits you.

As a result, your article that was previously on the first page of Google, suddenly thrown far to the very back of the search page.


- Too many enter keywords into an article (spam keyword stuffing).

Too many keywords can also lead to your blog sanctioned Google Sandbox.

Therefore, try not to do overlap the keyword in a paragraph.

Try to arrange the number of the keyword by way of searching the equivalent vocabulary (synonym) with the keyword. So in the paragraph does not accumulate one type of keyword that is too much, because it has been replaced by the keyword/syllable other synonyms.

The explanation is below:

Suppose you are creating a review article about the latest theme of blogger. So do not write the 'theme' word up to 5-7 times in that one paragraph. How to set the keyword is: if at the beginning of the paragraph sentence you have written the word 'theme,' then in the next sentence you can replace with the equivalent word (synonym of the word theme), i.e., the word 'template.'

So the sentence becomes like the example below:

"The speed above is still from a blogger theme default! Alias ​​has not been optimized at all!
Actually, without any optimization, the score on the above template is quite fast, because the average speed limit for a theme is at least 75 percent!

"If you want to speed up that theme more, can be done an optimization by doing compression the CSS and Javascript on that default template.

"Optimization for this theme is much more comfortable than the previous generation bloggers default template that is quite difficult to be optimized by novice bloggers.

(note: this sample sentence is quoted from one of my articles that speak Indonesian).
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- Too often edit the contents of the article.

Well! Very strongly my guess, this is the factor that causes my Indonesian language blog affected by Google Sandbox sanctions. Apparently because too often edit the contents of the article!

My goal does the editing to tidy up all the articles on that blog because the material is still not tidy. Many the abbreviated vocabulary, incomplete punctuation, and paragraphs that are too long, so becomes uncomfortable when a read it.

Well, my mistake is to be too hasty edit it. I made edits at once. Because I want everything to finish quickly, so editing articles  I do in just one day on that blog.

It turns out that way is not favored by Google bots. Causing my blog sanctioned Google Sandbox.

Maybe googlebot 'thinks'==> I was manipulating the contents and keywords on the article. Hehe :)

- Too many share articles to various social community groups.

Too many shares is another contributing factor that makes my blog suddenly hit by Google Sandbox sanction.

Indeed, I admit, in the last two months, I am very diligent to share articles to various social media groups.

Both Google plus, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and some other social media.

At first, I think the effort to look for traffic/visitor by way of share in an intense, relatively safe from Google Sandbox sanctions.

But based on experience that I experienced (on my Indonesian language blog), then I conclude that spamming share including one of the factors causing blogs 'getting' Google Sandbox.

Yes! Because I have twice experienced the traffic that plummeted due to share articles in large quantities and often.

About three months earlier, Spamming share also I ever do, and consequently, even make my blog traffic decreased.

Well, about a month ago, out of curiosity and wanting to be more sure of its effect, then I deliberately share articles in a more constant rhythm to various social media.

The result,,,,, ?? It turns out my blog was exposed to Google Sandbox penalty! hehehe: D

#4. What the characteristic of Google Sandbox sanctions?

Here are the characteristics:

That article was originally on the main search page (pages 1, 2 and 3), but suddenly the article 'disappeared' and hard to find its position. Although it has been searched to page 10, 20, 30, 100, not even seen at any page!

If your blog article experience characteristics like above, then it could be one of the signs of Google Sandbox sanctioned!

#5. How to get blogs out of Google Sandbox sanctions?

The trick: Immediately repent! And never repeat the same offense! ☺☺

Just intermezzo for a moment :)

The trick is:

- Perform optimization on your blog in the most natural way.

Do not over-optimize tagging, heading, keyword in articles on your blog. You better focus on creating quality content, because on quality content is the real secret of SEO.

What is the cause?

If your content is qualified, then other bloggers will recommend your blog. What does it mean? This means you get a natural backlink. And that kind of backlink is what Google likes!

- We recommend that you delete all articles obtained from the plagiarism (copy paste.

What is the cause?

Because until whenever Google will never like your blog if there are still articles plagiarism results in it!

- We recommend avoiding 'outsmarting' Google with blackhat SEO techniques.

What is the cause?

Maybe the blackhat SEO technique can work in the meantime, but if one day Google updates its algorithm, then the penalty is ready to wait for your blog. Are starting from the lightest sanctions (Google Sandbox), up to the most 'substantial death' (Penalty or Banned).

Thus a sharing of my blog experience may be useful for you all.

If you feel this article is useful, then share it. Hopefully, it can be helpful for your other colleagues.

Best regards.
Bang izal
Bang izal Saya Seorang Praktisi Bisnis Mainan. Sangat hobi menulis dan suka berdiskusi. Saya ingin sekali saling berbagi ilmu, dan pengalaman, dengan teman-teman semua melalui blog ini.

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