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Complete Guidelines on How to Start an Online Business

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Starting a business from zero to having loyal customers is not an easy thing like turning your palm. It takes determination and a strong will so that we can survive during increasingly fierce business competition.

That is what I had instilled in myself (the writer) when I wanted to start a toy store business (offline) about nine years ago (in 2010). Then in 2013, I began pioneering opening an online store.

Now on this occasion, I want to share my experience with you all.

When going to start an online business, you should know in advance about the technique, and how to start an online business from scratch (correctly). By knowing this, of course, you will be able to start the online business better.
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If you have ever received enough references (from the internet) about the techniques and ways to start an online business, then take action immediately to your online store. So that your steps to become a successful online businessman can be even more convincing, then consider some of the following additional information below. That is about how to start an online business and some preparations that need to be done.

How to be Start an Online Business?

15 Complete Guidelines on How to Start an Online Business

To start an online business, then you need to know what things must be first to do it. Step by step regularly and directed so that your business can run well.

Do the steps to start an online business below. Starting from the earliest stage, until finally, your business can run smoothly. Here's how to start an online business from scratch.

As a starting point, among others:

1. Determine the type of business.

What business do you want to open? That must be the first question that will arise when you want to start a business, especially from scratch. Determining the type of business is very important because it is closely related to the business opportunity itself later in the world of online store. Failure to choose the type of business at the beginning will cause fatal problems later on.

It is best to be careful in determining the type of business because it will determine the sustainability of your business in the future. In determining the type of business, it should adjust to the following:

• Interest, passion, and expertise.

Of course, business interests and expertise are vital to consider when trying to determine the type of business. If you choose a business that suits your interests and expertise, then the industry will be more comfortable and more enjoyable for the culprit. The business owner can run his business while also being able to channel his interests plus expertise within him.

That way, the online store owner will be more 'enjoy' when running their business. Because he already has an interest, expertise, and passion in the field. This business will also never feel boring because the businessman has had a great interest in he chosen business field.

One concrete example of a combination of interest, passion, and expertise is the story of my fellow businessman — namely Faisal Adlan. I have written a full article about the biography and he profile. Please refer to the following section: The Story of Faisal Adlan (icalToys Hotwheels), A Successful Online Businessman in Indonesia (Part #1)

• Existing resources.

In addition to considering your interests and expertise, then you must find the available resources. These resources include human resources (HR), technology, and funds (capital). All existing resources must be appropriately considered to facilitate you in starting an online business later.

Especially if you have never had a business before, then this is one factor in starting an online business from scratch that must be considered. By considering the two things above, it will be relatively more comfortable for you to determine the type of business that is most appropriate. If you have noticed this factor well, it can be ascertained; the selection of your kind of business will be very suitable. And in the end, your business will be delightful.

15 Complete Guidelines on How to Start an Online Business

2. Perform a Comprehensive Survey.

After determining the type of business or online business that will run, then the next thing to do is conduct a survey. For a beginner who will start a business from scratch, it is vital to conduct a survey. The point is to find out the situation in the online business world (about prospects, opportunities, level of competition, etc.). Well, here are some things you need to survey before starting an online business:

• Products.

Survey the products you want to sell in your online business. Choose the type of product that is unique and not yet / rarely on the market. The more unique a product is, the more people will find and buy it. But of course, you have to think about the demand for the item, and also the market share of the item to be sold.

If the product is unique and has a lot of market demand, then it is clear ==> Your online business will be more natural to develop, and the potential for success later. For that, conduct a comprehensive survey of business products to be sold.

• Location.

After conducting a product survey, you can then survey the location. But for an online business location is not so important. This is because the sales center is not in a physical store (offline), but on websites that can sell online.

Even so, if online businesses will produce their products, it is also essential to conduct site surveys for production. Also, an online company that has an office with a correct address will be more trusted by customers. Customers will prefer online stores with clear addresses so that they appear reliable.

• Competitors.

In doing business, you cannot just prepare a business from internal, but also have to pay attention to external factors. Competitors, for example, are essential things that must be considered when starting a business. Complete an in-depth survey, competitors in the industry to be involved.

You will know what makes the competitor successful or what makes the competitor fail. For beginners, it is essential to conduct a survey of competitors and take many lessons from there for the progress of their business.
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• Level of competition.

The survey of the level of competition in the field is essential as one way to start an online business from scratch. By surveying the level of competition, it will find out how many people do similar business. From the survey results, it can determine the strategy to face competition in the online business field later.

Perform a thorough survey of products, prices, services, and all information needed. Thus beginners who will start their business from scratch can describe the competition that will occur and determine the winning strategy.

Well, that's what needs to be surveyed to facilitate online business in the future. By conducting a survey first, business people can take into account things that will happen in the future.

3. Prepare Business Capital Required.

The thing that will never separate from the process of starting a business is capital. Capital is not always in the form of money (but most indeed in money). Types of capital can vary, can be money, human resources, technology, places, and so forth.

Most beginners often find it challenging to prepare capital in the form of cash. Here are some ways to make capital in the form of money that can be done by beginners:

• Maximize personal funds.

If you have significant amounts of savings or personal funds, you should maximize these own funds for capital. Many benefits will be obtained if you use private funds rather than having to borrow. At least there is no need to pay interest or service fees for money used as capital.

Therefore, it would be better to maximize the use of personal funds for business capital that will begin.

• Take a loan if necessary.

But if finally, personal money is insufficient to use as business capital, then you can borrow it. Loans can be submitted to parties of financial institutions that offer business capital loans.

Today many financial institutions offer loans for productive purposes such as small business capital. Thus it will be easier to get a loan to start a business from scratch.

4. Do Careful Planning.

After determining the type of business, conducting a survey and preparing capital, it's time to plan carefully. Although for example, only doing online business with small capital, it does not mean that it can run without careful planning.

Lack of preparation and planning will cause acute failure in new business. By making a plan, business people will know the step of running their business is. The possibility of getting 'lost' or 'misguided' in doing business will be less likely.
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5. Determine Business Products and their Uniqueness.

After planning is ready and mature, then immediately determine the main product to be sold. It would be better to focus on one product first with evident uniqueness, compared to having many products. With a specific product, the online business that runs will be more explicit (about the market or target).

For example, if you want to sell cakes online, give unique characteristics to the cake that will be sold to make them more easily known. The uniqueness of the cake to be sold can be shown on the packaging, the shape of the cake, any flavor variant that can be made unique can be an idea. That way, the cakes sold will be more attractive to prospective buyers.

6. Immediately Start Business.

After having capital, planning, products, then immediately start the online business that has been dreamed of. The action is a very effective way to start an online business from scratch because planning too long without getting started will be useless.

Starting an online business with immediate action will make it one step ahead of those who only plan. For that direct action and begin online business faster for better.

7. Manage Finance Well.

Proper financial management will make online businesses progress and quickly have many branches. To do financial management can do alone or if necessary consult with experts. Incorrect financial calculations can have fatal consequences for a new online business.

For example, errors in determining initial capital will cause financial business turnover to become stagnant. The separation of finance between the company funds and personal use must do so that the development of the business can run according to plan.

8. Promote Business Well and Correctly.

Like most businesses, the promotion also needs to be done as a way to start an online business from scratch. Especially from zero, which means that it is unknown by anyone regarding what your business, what products are sold, whose company. All need to be promoted so that the public knows your online stores.

Promotion is the spearhead of marketing. If the advertisement is successful, then sales will work. For an online business, advertising can be done by following the market place program (if selling at the market place). If you have your online store website, then promotion can use social media or other digital marketing. 
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9. Build Networking.

15 Complete Guidelines on How to Start an Online Business

For an online business that starts from zero (or is entirely unknown), building a network is very important. Build a network of friends with other people or fellow business people to open sales opportunities.

Building a network has not only sales goals but also shares the business experience. The more networking, the more experience you can share and get to run a business.

10. Give the Best Service.

Providing the best service must be done to get loyal customers who are loyal to the product and company. Buyers will like if given the best service from online shop owners.

If you can provide the best service, then that is more value for your online business. Customers will search again and again because they like the service provided.

Well, that's the steps or how to start an online business from scratch that can be done so that online businesses can grow. If you are always consistent in running a business and are not afraid of failure, then your business will be guaranteed to grow bigger. 

Other than that, there is special preparation that is important to do in the online store (and may be different from an offline business) that needs to be known.

Preparations in Building an Online Business.

Online business is a little different from offline activity. The difference lies in the promotion and sales system. In an online store, there are necessary preparations that must be made by online businesses. For those who will start an online business from scratch, it is vital to prepare several things below:

1. Interesting Online Store Name.

Equally, essential preparation is to prepare an attractive online store name. With the name of a charming store, it will be able to attract curiosity from consumers who will become prospective customers.

Choose the name of an online store that is readily known, attractive, and easy to remember, so it's easy to do branding. The name of a beautiful online store will make it easier to brand a new business to be easily recognized.

2. Websites for Online Business.

In addition to the name of the online store, also prepare a website for online businesses to broaden their market reach. The site has many benefits for a new online shop that starts from zero.

The way to start an online business from scratch to quickly become successful is to create a business website. By having a website, the public trust in the online business that runs will increase. Besides, the site will make it easier to branding new companies.

3. Officially Register Online Business.

An online business also requires legality even though it only runs online. Companies must also be registered. Now, in Indonesia, it is elementary to take care of official business permits so that businesses will have business legality. Online companies that have business licenses will increase consumer interest and trust in the company.

4. Bank Account for Business.

It is also essential to set up a bank account specifically for businesses so that transactions with consumers become smoother. 

All online business transactions, including payments and others, will be made online, so you need a bank account specifically for businesses. It would be better if setting up a bank account for business complete with internet banking services because it would be beneficial.

5. Digital Marketing for Promotion.

15 Complete Guidelines on How to Start an Online Business

It is also essential to prepare a digital marketing strategy to carry out online business promotions. Digital marketing is a very appropriate way of advertising for online business because the development will be done online too. By having a digital marketing strategy, it will be easier to carry out online business promotions.

It has been explained above if the promotion is essential if you start a business. So preparing the right digital marketing will significantly help the process of business promotion that just started. 
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Those are some things that are also important to prepare before starting an online business. After knowing how to start an online business from scratch and what needs to make, start imagining how to start a business. The steps above can be used as a reference when you want to start an online store efficiently and successfully later.

Hopefully, it can be useful and meet again in the next article.

Success is always for you.

Best regards.

Author by: Mr. izal.
Yunita Saya seorang ibu rumah tangga yang gemar menulis.

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